Songreaver Map

Along with the latest book, I finally got around to transferring all my sketchy notes into something resembling a map!

Behold the glory of Western Rhaema, the scene of so many of Garrett’s adventures in the Songreaver’s Tale.

On a side note, scaling an image down until it will actually fit into an eBook file, and keeping it legible in the process, was an adventure unto itself.

I hope you like it!


  1. i cant wait to read it. Got the first book for my kids and read it Great book.. Cant wait to read this one!

    1. i cant wait to read it. Got the first book for my kids and read it Great book.. Cant wait to read this one!

      Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

    1. whats the expected release date on book 4?

      Hi, Nico,

      I hope to have the 4th book finished sometime this summer. After that, it’s just a matter of proofreading and revisions.

      Thanks for checking!

    1. To tell the truth, the title is usually the last thing I think of just before deciding on the cover art.

    1. Nothing concrete yet, I’m afraid. I’m still on track for finishing the first draft sometime in August. After that, I’ll need to have my Beta Reader take a pass at it before final revisions.

      Thanks for your patience.

    1. Hello again, Nico!

      I’m about halfway through my final edits before I send the manuscript off to my Beta Reader. I hope to have it in her hands by the end of the week, and then I’ll work on the cover art while she does her magic. I’m very happy with the way this one turned out, and I think you’re going to enjoy it as well.

      The working title of Book Four is “The Frostwoven Crown”.

      Thank you for your patience!

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